Application for a Mooring
Please follow these steps when applying for a mooring at Shakespeare Marina:
Step 1 – Please read the Terms and Conditions (link below) and only proceed to Step 2 if you accept them. Any application will be subject to the Terms and Conditions on the website.
Step 2 - If you wish to have a preferred mooring, please identify the mooring number (mooring plan and tariff links below). However, preferred moorings cannot be guaranteed and are subject to availability.
Step 3 - To secure a mooring, a non-refundable deposit of £250.00 will be required. Please contact the Marina Sales on 07714 095005 or send an email to You will be given details and reference the payment with your name and preferred mooring number.
Step 4 – Please email us to confirm that you have paid and your preferred mooring number.
Step 5 - We will contact you to confirm receipt of payment by our accounts team and allocation of your preferred mooring. If a preferred mooring is not available, we will discuss an alternative position.
Please note moorings can only be allocated on receipt of the deposit. Deposits will be held (in case of accidental damage) during the contract and returned at the conclusion.
We look forward to welcoming you at Shakespeare Marina.

Mooring Application Form
Please Note:
If you haven't heard from us in 24 hours after sending us this form please email including your daytime phone number and we'll be in touch directly'.
Alternatively, you can call/message us on 07967 461057